Early On Glossary

Authorization to Share Information: An authorization that allows Early On to collect and compile information about your child from service providers and programs, including physicians.

Child Assessment: An ongoing process that measures and identifies your child's strengths and needs.
Development: The process of growing and learning.

Developmental Delay: Developmental delay is defined as any delay for infants up to two months of age (adjusted for prematurity) or 20% in one or more areas of development for infants and toddlers between two months and 36 months.

Due Process Hearing: A hearing in which an impartial officer reviews evidence to resolve a disagreement between a parent and an Early On provider.

Early On: Michigan's early intervention system.

Early On Coordinator: A person in charge of Early On in a local county or counties.

Early On Parental Consent: A form asking parental permission to screen, evaluate, assess, provide services, use public insurance and share personal information.

Early On Record: All the information from your time in Early On. It is also the information you gave and that was gathered from others.

Early On Team: A team that includes you, your service coordinator, and other professionals involved in providing ongoing services to your child and family. Also referred to as the IFSP (Individualized Family Service Plan) team.

Eligibility Determination: Formal notice of a child's eligibility to receive Early On services.

Eligible: When a child qualifies to receive services from Early On. To be eligible for Early On, your child must have a developmental delay or an established medical condition that is likely to lead to a developmental delay.

Established Health Condition: A diagnosed physical or mental condition that has a high probability of resulting in a developmental delay.

Evaluation: Determining your child's eligibility for Early On services by gathering information about your child's records, assessments and using professional judgment.

Evaluation Report: A voluntary process to learn about a family's strengths, resources and priorities related to their child's growth and development.

Family Assessment: A voluntary process to learn about a family's strengths, resources and priorities related to their child's growth and development.

Family Rights: Rights entitled to an infant/toddler and parent under Part C of the IDEA law.

Individualized Education Program (IEP): A written plan that guides the educational activities for children found eligible for special education after Early On.

Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP): A written plan that will guide the outcomes/goals expected for the child to grow and develop and fully participate in daily activities and community activities. It lists the services to be provided by Early On.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): The federal law that guides the education of infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities. Part C of the IDEA law is the part of the law that pertains to Early On and early intervention services for children birth to age 3.

Local Interagency Coordinating Council (LICC): Local planning and advisory bodies for the Early On system. They are made up of family members who have children with special needs and representatives from Education, Community Health, Department of Human Services and other organizations that provide services to infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families.

Mediation: A way to settle a conflict so that both sides reach an agreement that satisfies you both. Parents and other professionals discuss their differences and, with the help of a trained and independent mediator, reach a settlement that both sides accept.

Michigan Department of Education: The state agency that oversees Early On in Michigan. Early On (Part C) funding is provided by the federal government to the Michigan Department of Education.

Natural Environments: Settings that are natural or typical for a same-aged infant or toddler without a disability, and may include the home or community setting.

Outcomes: Statements of changes (or goals) you want for your child and/or family that are documented in the IFSP.

Parent: Any person responsible for the care and well-being of a child. It could include birth parents, adoptive parents, single parents, guardians, grandparents, or foster parents.

Periodic Review: A meeting that is held at least every six months. The team looks at whether changes need to be made to the outcomes on the IFSP.

Prior Written Notice: Advance information, provided in writing, about evaluations and changes in eligibility or services.

Procedural Safeguards: Policies and practices that are consistently, fairly applied to ensure the protection of children's and families' rights.

Referral: A recommendation to have a child evaluated to see if he or she is eligible for Early On. The referral starts the Early On process. It occurs because of a concern about a child's development or health issue.

Screening: A brief process used to identify children who may have a developmental delay and may need further evaluation.

Service Coordinator: A person who works with your family to help coordinate the evaluation, assessments, the IFSP, and early intervention services as well as other community supports and resources for your child and family.

Services: A specialized form of support from a trained professional to help parents and caregivers learn how to support the development of a child within his or her daily activities.

Special Education: Specially designed instruction and services to meet the education needs of infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities aged birth through 26 in Michigan.

Supports: Help, resources, or information given to a family.

Transition: The process of planning for supports and services for when your child will leave Early On.

Transition Conference: A meeting to discuss services a toddler may receive under preschool special education or other appropriate services.

Transition Plan: Steps and services within the IFSP to help a child and family leave Early On and succeed in their next activity. If your child is leaving Early On at age 3, this plan must be made at least 90 days before your child's 3rd birthday.

Written Complaint: A document filed with the Michigan Department of Education and your local intermediate school district in circumstances where a parent thinks a state or federal regulation has been violated. Filing a complaint is free and results in a thorough state-level investigation.