Michigan Alliance for Families

Michigan Alliance for Families provides information, support, and education for families who have children and young adults (birth to 26 years of age) who receive (or may be eligible to receive) early intervention and special education services. Their website can help you find a mentor in your area and find information on early intervention and special education issues, as well as disability specific information: https://www.michiganallianceforfamilies.org/.
Resources for Families
Below please find a list of helpful resources provided to families to describe Early On. Information includes eligibility for services, what to expect, family rights (also called procedural safeguards), policies and practices to ensure families are supported and informed.
Authorization to Release Early On Record (PDF) - Posted:08/29/2022
Early On and Special Education State Complaints: Procedures and Model Forms
Early On Michigan Family Rights Brochure (Arabic) (PDF) - Posted:08/29/2022
Early On Michigan Family Rights Brochure (English) (PDF) - Posted:08/29/2022
Early On Michigan Family Rights Brochure (Spanish) (PDF) - Posted:08/29/2022
Early On Parental Consent (PDF) - Posted:08/29/2022
Early On Special Education Due Process Complaints (PDF) - Posted:01/28/2025
Early On Special Education Due Process Complaints Steps (PDF) - Posted:01/28/2025
List of Established Conditions (PDF) - Posted:08/29/2022
Prior Written Notice (PDF) - Posted:08/29/2022
Special Education Dispute Resolution (PDF) - Posted:08/29/2022
Special Education State Complaints Procedures and Model (PDF) - Posted:08/29/2022
Updated Established Conditions List One-Pager (PDF) - Posted:08/29/2022